Ukemi and balance
Bujinkan taijutsu seeks to use body movement and positioning rather than strength to defeat the opponent. All techniques in Bujinkan taijutsu involve unbalancing the opponent while maintaining one’s own balance. This is achieved by moving the opponent into inferior positions and manipulating their body along weak lines where it is difficult for the opponent to resist. The attacker continuously seeks to regain balance and cover vulnerabilities (such as an exposed side), while the defender uses position and timing to keep the attacker off balance and vulnerable. In more advanced training, the attacker will sometimes apply reversal techniques (返し技, kaeshi-waza) to regain balance and disable the defender.
Ukemi (受身) refers to the act of receiving a technique. Good ukemi involves a roll or breakfall to avoid pain or injury such as dislocation of a joint. Thus, learning to roll and breakfall effectively is key to safe training in taijutsu. Before receiving the 9th kyu (the lowest rank), a student must demonstrate the ability to roll smoothly in a variety of directions without exposing the neck to injury.
Physical conditioning
Junan taiso (junan meaning flexible) is a yogic method of stretching and breathing[15] by means of which the Bujinkan practitioner may develop and maintain good physical condition and wellbeing. The exercises promote relaxation, blood circulation, muscle toning and flexibility,[16] and form a core part of all training sessions. Junan taiso is a form of conditioning and preparation for the body. All major joints are rotated and stretched in a proper manner while healthy breathing and concentration are practiced.[17]
(source material: wikipedia)
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